A lot of the free time that I do have is spent on creating high quality learning materials and courses for another venture I started called Fifth Element Training. You can find the website for them at www.fifthelementtraining.com (I’m working on getting it updated and live again). I’ve got tons of material in the queue, but there’s one that I wanted to share with you here. I’m sharing it free of charge, because I believe that the world could use it right now. I believe that there are even quite a few Friends who might need to be reminded of some of these principles.
It’s the participant manual for our “Improving Mindfulness” course. Now this course is designed to be delivered in person, or online via a more immersive technology, but nonetheless, the participant guide has plenty of solid, actionable information that would help anyone create more mindfulness in their life.
So give it a download, and send me a message to let me know what your biggest takeaway was from it!
As always, no matter what’s going on in your life or in the world, you’ll always have a Friend in me. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you ever need anything.
You can download the “Increasing Mindfulness” participant guide here.